Do the Indian kids need sex education?
Sex had always been a taboo in the Indian society. Even if the temples are not short of bare breasted female idols. I remember my dad or mom closing my eyes suddenly when we were watching movies in theaters. Initially I would be so terrified by this maneuver that I used get anxious and panicky anticipating the next time the tackle would occur . The trigger, I later found out, to such tackles were explicit scenes depicting sex. Usually it would be a James bond movie, with occasional scenes of his romantic advances to the female actresses. Because, in those days, cinema halls were the only source of such embarrassing moments. And parenting was not a big problem.
But these days one can watch porn movies at the nearby Internet browsing centre, in spite of the ban. Obviously, the 11 or 12 year old kid who watches it is seriously misled and sexually stimulated quite early in life. And for the not so adventurous kids frequent doses of soft-porn are delivered regularly at home – courtesy the cable television. No amount of parental alertness could prevent such mishaps. And what with the kids having their own TV sets in most of the affluent homes. It is now an unpreventable ‘evil’.
In this scenario, should we should ask the question of the morality or wisdom of educating about sex to school kids. If not, why? If yes how should we go about it ? What would be the methodology and what should be the limit? The government is already implementing the project in CBSE schools. Soon the state government schools would follow suit, if not already.
I personally believe that sex education is a necessary addition to the school education. A few people may oppose the issue by citing our culture and religious norms, forgetting that 'bharat' is the first nation in the planet earth to provide a complete treatise on sex. They are ignorant about the beautiful paintings of Ajanta; the fabulous carvings of the khajuraho. One might ask, “ Why should it be done in schools ? Why cannot the interested parents do it themselves for their wards at home?” There are lots of hurdles of doing it at home. The father or mother themselves may not be aware of the sacredness of the sexual phenomenon. And some may feel shy to talk about it to their offspring. Or they may not be able to communicate their ideas effectively. So, ideally it should be carried out by experts, preferably doctors and psychologists.
Human sexual behavior, like many other kinds of activity engaged in by human beings, is generally governed by social rules that are culturally specific and vary widely. These social rules are referred to as sexual morality (what can and can not be done by society's rules) and sexual norms (what is and is not expected). They should be taught to the future citizens of India. With western media relentlessly beaming information contrary to our culture and ideologies, we need educate the kids in all aspects of human life.
It is not enough to just give them technical knowledge to earn a livelihood.
Hitler was a man of tremendous will power, and power of speech to communicate his ideas to a nation. He had the vision to change the face humanity. But alas... his conscience was not well developed. All his strengths went against the interests of humanity. And he brought forward the most terrible destruction on earth. It was due to incomplete education. So in order to be effective education should be complete in enabling the learner to take up the challenge of life and come out victorious, physically, mentally, financially, socially and spiritually.
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